"Yes, I Love Technology..."
The most important thing a great school leader can do regarding technology is create an atmosphere of exploration, creativity, innovation, and collaboration for students and staff. The location of appropriate resources is a district-wide initiative; however, individual administrators most definitely can have an impact. Technology integration in learning environments is just not a question anymore. It is a constant reality. Contemporary children, teens, and adults are constantly "in the cloud." Assisting students (and adults) in the development of their own critical lenses when experiencing this constant onslaught of information is important; however, perhaps even more important is educating them regarding safety issues (personal, financial, and future professional). Regarding specific technological skills, perhaps the most important one is to always look forward. Moore's Law has been exponentially shortened. The SmartBoard was great when it was invented in 1991, and it continues to serve a purpose in contemporary classrooms. However, schools need to look forward, not backwards. On the horizon are incredibly exciting technological tools that can enhance teaching and learning in ways that perhaps only Issac Asimov, H.G. Wells, and Bill Gates dreamed of previously.
With a visionary focus, this is most definitely possible.